Why choose SMART Recovery®?

Why choose SMART Recovery® Quebec for your local addiction recovery group?

At Smart Recovery® Quebec We Help You Discover the Power of Choice!

SMART Recovery® uses the 4-Point Program® that helps all people who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, drug, alcohol or substance abuse, as well as addiction to other substances and activities.

SMART Recovery® stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training and is not a 12-step based addiction recovery group like AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) or NA (Narcotics Anonymous).

SMART Recovery® Quebec holds an evening meeting every Mondays from 6pm to 7:30pm in NDG area of Montreal.  There are also daily online meetings.  There is also an online message board and 24/7 chat room that are both great ways to receive additional support and encouragement from others.

You need to be registered to access the messageboard and be able to participate in online meetings.

SMART Recovery® Quebec – Our Purpose

We support individuals who choose to abstain and we support those that are considering abstinence.  We use techniques that promote self-defeating thinking, emotions, and actions. We also encourage to work towards long-term satisfactions and that improve quality of life.

SMART Recovery® Quebec – Our Approach

* We teach self-empowerment and self-reliance.
* We encourage individuals to recover and live fulfilling lives.
* We teach tools and techniques for independent change.
* Our meetings are psycho-educational based that includes open discussions.
* We support the use of anti-addiction medications and pharmacotherapy treatments.
* We expand our treatment based on scientific research and as addiction medicine evolves.

SMART Recovery® 4-Point Program®

SMART Recovery® Quebec help individuals gain independence from drug or alcohol addiction. Our program is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy that uses scientific methods and research based on years experience in addiction programs. We offer specific tools and techniques for each of our 4-Point Program approach:

Point 1:
Building and Maintaining Motivation

Point 2:
Coping with Urges

Point 3:
Managing Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviours

Point 4:
Living a Balanced Life

SMART Recovery® Quebec – Tools & Techniques

The SMART Recovery® 4-Point Program® employ a variety of tools and techniques to help participants  gain independence from addiction and addictive behaviours. Members are encouraged to learn how to use each tool and technique and practice them as they progress toward Point 4 – achieving lifestyle balance and leading a fulfilling and healthy life. Our tools include:

– Stages of Change
– Change Plan Worksheet
– Cost/Benefit Analysis (Decision Making Worksheet)
– ABCs of REBT for Urge Coping
– ABCs of REBT for Emotional Upsets
– Destructive Irrational Self-talk
– Awareness & Refusal Method (DISARM)
– Hierarchy of Values
– Brainstorming
– Role-playing and Rehearsing
– Unconditional Self-Acceptance (USA)

**Go to tools and techniques, to find other SMART Recovery® worksheets.

SMART Recovery® vs. 12 Steps

At SMART Recovery® Quebec, we believe that individuals find their own path to recovery. For some participants, this may include Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). The philosophy of SMART Recovery® differs from AA and NA, we do not exclude them. Some SMART participants continue to attend AA or NA meetings whilst attending SMART meetings. Some find that both are complimentary programs towards their path to sobriety and permanent addiction recovery.